一、通  則:本校學生依規定時間內繳費,視同完成註冊手續,逾期未繳費註冊者,依學則規定勒令退學。
1. 學生自行上網列印繳費單請逕行點選本校首頁/學生/學雜費/列印學雜費及住宿費繳費單(土銀代收網)登入下載。
2. 大學部延長修業年限、碩士班、碩士在職專班及博士班三年級(含)以上學生,請於113年8月8日-9月2日止,先行繳交學生平安保險費,課務組於加退選課截止後,確認加修學分數及應繳學分費後,務必於113年9月27日-10月3日止繳交學分費。
3. 養成計畫及醫學系公費生免繳。

【Important Notification】Information for Student Registration in Fall Semester of Academic year 2024.

I. Rules: Students are required to register and pay school fees during the registration period. Students who do not pay the fees on time must drop out according to the Taipei Medical University Academic Regulations.

II. Period: From August 8th, 2024 to September 2nd, 2024

III. Print the Bill on the system
(1)Website : https://eschool.landbank.com.tw/index.aspx
(2)Path: Student Login→ Key in “ School Name: 臺北醫學大學” , student ID, birthday and captcha →click “OK”→ click “列印繳費單”

IV. Please contact Cashier Section (ext.2332) for bills and payment related matters.