


l   系所行政人員場:111.09.22()10:00-12:00Webex線上會議,請至人才發展系統搜尋課程「1111學期學位考試說明會」申請,得認列教育訓練時數2小時。

l   學生場(中文場)111.09.23()10:00-12:00Webex線上會議(會議前寄發會議網址至學號信箱)報名:https://forms.gle/65YhdA6hFxLDUdC78

l   學生場(英文場)111.09.26()10:00-12:00Webex線上會議(會議前寄發會議網址至學號信箱),報名:https://forms.gle/ycGkMPdgX9AQxTLg8



1. 研究生申請學位考試須符合本校碩士及博士學位考試實施細則第二條及選課須知第三條規定,應於申請學位考試前修畢系所學位學程規定之應修科目學分、「研究倫理」課程及考核規定。當學期須選課「碩士/博士論文」課程。

2. 申請學位考試前,請務必詳閱所屬系所學位學程的修業規定及學位考試說明會資訊,並至教務學務系統上傳畢業或學位考試門檻證明文件(如論文發表、學系自訂之英文門檻、參加研討會紀錄)(「畢業學分進度查詢」「上傳畢業或學位考試門檻」)

3. 申請時請依系所學位學程及指導教授要求,上傳論文初稿之原創性比對報告。舉行學位考試時,須提供學位論文原創性比對報告予學位考試委員審議,比對系統請使用「Turnitin」軟體,未提供者不得舉行。

4. 更多學位考試相關訊息請至教務處網頁「註冊組」「畢業訊息」研究生學位考試」參閱。


Remind that the Fall Semester 2022 graduation defense application will be started from 9 am. Sep. 19th to 5 pm. Oct 14th 2022. The timetable of related procedures will be announced after the Academic Affairs Conference on Sep. 21st 2022. Registration Section will hold the orientation in both Chinese and English sessions. Information is as follows:

l   Administrative Staff Session- 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sep. 22th 2022 on Webex Online Meeting Room. For TMU staff only.

l   Student Session in Chinese- 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sep. 23rd 2022 on Webex Online Meeting Room. Apply on: https://forms.gle/65YhdA6hFxLDUdC78

l   Student Session in English- 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sep. 26th 2022 on Webex Online Meeting Room. Apply on: https://forms.gle/ycGkMPdgX9AQxTLg8



1.  Students who apply for the degree examinations must meet the requirement of “TMU Implementation Guidelines of Master and Ph.D. Degree Examination” Article II and “Notes for Course Selection and Registration” Article lll: students must complete required subjects, credits and “Research Ethics” course before applying for a degree examination. And must select "Thesis"/"Dissertation" course this semester.

2.  Before applying, please read the study regulation of respect department/program & information of graduation defense orientation. Student must prepare the evidence of completed requirements and upload the evidence on the system function of “Credit Progress” →”Requirements for Graduation(Student Form)”.

3.  Students shall upload the “Originality Report of Plagiarism Detection” according to the requirement of department/program and thesis advisor. Students must provide originality reports of plagiarism detection to committee members on the day of graduation defense. Students who did not provide the report cannot hold the defense. For the detection tool please use “Turnitin”.

4.  For further information of graduation defense, please visit Office of Academic Affairs websiteRegistration SectionGraduation MessagesGraduate Defense Procedure (If it shows in Chinese, please change the language into English on the upper right corner of website)


Registration Section, Office of Academic Affairs
Sep. 12th 2022